Cloudy this morning with thunderstorms developing this afternoon. High 87F. Winds WSW at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 60%..
Scattered thunderstorms early, then variable clouds overnight with more showers at times. Low 67F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.
CHAMPAIGN, Ill. (WAND) - Every Drop Matters brings fresh drinking water to countries all around the world.
Randy Graham is the founder of Every Drop Matters. He says he's noticed issues from different countries regarding clean water just not being available.
“We have family members who are missionaries who founded an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, my daughter also worked in the Peace Corps in Paraguay for a number of years, and it seemed like a recurring theme was the need for clean water.”
With the device first developed at the University of Illinois, Graham has been able to bring fresh water to places like Paraguay and the Dominican Republic.
You can have fresh drinking water in just minutes, by the power of Ozone.
“What we have found is that when people have access to clean water through this technology, for one it’s very portable. So, they can share with neighbors, they can take it to another community. These units only weigh 4 pounds and they’re able to purify enough water for up to 250 people.”
Graham even uses the device himself. He claims that he brings a higher level of purification.
“We still use it occasionally to you know make sure there are no contaminants in the water, and I feel like it gives us that higher level of purification. But we have not had to distribute these units locally because the need has not been there locally. The need has been much greater in other parts of the world and that’s what we focused our energy on.”
Every Drop Matters continues to bring opportunities for fresh drinking water to more countries, today.
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