Lawmakers in Jefferson city are on the verge of requiring schools to test and filter their drinking water for lead poisoning. If these regulations pass then Missouri will become one of the few states that have stricter regulations on drinking water than the federal government.
Lead is a heavy metal that is particularly harmful to young children. While there is technically no safe level of lead consumption The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) currently doesn’t consider water tainted unless at least 10% of samples contain 15 or more parts per billion. This legislation will require Missouri schools to take action if their drinking water reaches 5 parts per billion.
The school water testing legislation was overwhelming approved by both the Missouri House and Senate. The legislation has been added to a sweeping education bill which is set to be passed and arrive on the governor’s desk this week.
Missouri state budget, which was approved by lawmakers Friday, set aside $27 million to help schools test and install filters in their drinking water systems to combat lead levels.