Proposition 1 Round 2 Integrated Regional Water Management (IRWM) Implementation Grant Program - California Grants Portal

2022-09-17 04:50:33 By : Mr. Jack CUI

The IRWM Grant Program is designed to encourage integrated regional strategies for water resource management in California by providing funding for projects and programs throughout the state including climate change adaptation, providing incentives for collaboration and setting priorities in water resource and infrastructure management, and improving regional water self-reliance while reducing reliance on Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta.

Grant applications are submitted by an eligible IRWM Region representative (applicant) and an application may have multiple projects from Local Project Sponsors (LPS). To be part of the application and access grant funding through their relationship with the applicant, LPS must meet eligibility requirements specified in the 2019 IRWM Grant Program Guidelines. Projects must be included in an adopted IRWM Plan that is consistent with the 2016 IRWM plan standards. The State’s 48 IRWM regions cover almost 90% of the State’s area and 99% of its population. The applicant must demonstrate that the project is listed in the IRWM Plan project list. Each LPS of a project included in an IRWM Implementation proposal must adopt the IRWM Plan. Each individual agency proposing a project(s) must adopt the IRWM Plan. Regional Water Management Groups will not be allowed to adopt an IRWM Plan on behalf of their member agencies. Subject to regional priorities, projects may include, but are not limited to, the following: Water reuse and recycling; Water-use efficiency and water conservation; Local and regional surface and underground water storage, including groundwater aquifer cleanup or recharge projects; Regional water conveyance facilities that improve integration of separate water systems; Watershed protection, restoration, and management projects, including projects that reduce the risk of wildfire or improve water supply reliability; Stormwater resource and flood management; Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater storage facilities; Water desalination projects; Decision support tools to model regional water management strategies to account for climate change and other changes in regional demand and supply projections; Improvement of water quality, including drinking water, groundwater, wastewater treatment, water pollution prevention, and management of urban and agricultural runoff; Regional projects or programs as defined by the IRWM Planning Act (Water Code §10537). Proposition 1 authorized $510 million for DWR to award IRWM grants, with specified allocations to 12 Funding Areas in California. Of the $510 million, $25.5 million (5%) is designated for DWR’s grant administration costs, $15.3 million (3%) is designated for DWR’s planning and monitoring costs, and $10.2 million (2%) is designated for other State costs (issuance of bonds). Previously awarded funds include $4.2 million for IRWM Planning Grants and $51.7 million for DAC Involvement Grants. At least 10% of authorized funds ($51 million) will be reserved for projects that directly benefit Disadvantaged Communities, with the minimum 10% requirement applied to each Funding Area. DWR plans to administer two rounds of solicitations for Proposition 1 IRWM Implementation Grants. The Round 1 Implementation Grant solicitation was awarded approximately $211 million in grant funds. The Round 2 Proposal Solicitation process to award the remaining funds (approximately $191 million) is ongoing. The first Phase ended on August 19, 2022. The second Phase will end on February 1, 2023.

Nonprofit Public Agency Tribal Government

501 (c) (3) nonprofit, Public Agency, Federally recognized Indian tribes, State Indian Tribes listed on the Native American Heritage Commission’s Tribal Consultation List, Mutual water companies, Public Utilities 

Projects must be included in an adopted IRWM Plan that is consistent with the 2016 IRWM plan standards. The applicant must demonstrate that the project is listed in the IRWM Plan project list.

The 50% matching fund requirement does not apply to Disadvantaged Communities with an annual median household income that is less than 80 percent of the statewide annual median household income. Other state fund sources cannot be used for the 50% funding match requirement.

This grant solicitation is Round 2 of a planned two rounds of funding. Approximately $403 million overall in grant funding is being made available for implementation projects with at least $51 million being made available for projects that provide benefits to Disadvantaged Communities. Specified allocations go to 12 Funding Areas in California (Water Code §79744). The remaining $193 million will be made available in this solicitation.

Funds are disbursed to the 12 State Funding Areas as follows: Central Coast $18.7 million, Sacramento River $1.7 million, San Francisco $29.3 million, Los Angeles $40.7 million, Mountain Counties $5.9 million, North Coast $8.5 million, San Joaquin River $8.6 million, Santa Ana $27 million, Tulare Lake $14.5 million, Colorado River $8.5 million, Lahontan $6.7 million, San Diego $22 million.

State agencies/departments recommend you read the full grant guidelines before applying.

5/12/2022 - The existing Expected Award Announcement date was changed from "2022 TBD" to “Late 2022 - Early 2023” and the Anticipated Open Date was changed from "Spring 2022" to “Summer 2022”. The Public POC phone number was changed from (916) 653-0975 to (916) 651-9613.

5/17/2022 - The Anticipated Open Date was changed from "Spring 2022" to "May 2022".

5/18/2022 - Status changed from Forecasted to Active. Deadline for applications 8/19/2022 added. Text "The first and second deadlines for applications are August 19, 2022 and February 1, 2023 respectively" added to Required Matched Funding notes.

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