OPINION: When looking for new water sources, look to the ground(water)

2022-08-20 04:55:07 By : Ms. Francis Zhang

Corpus Christi has been looking for a droughtproof water resource as a sustainable solution, and until recently, they have been looking in the wrong places. It has been right under their noses all along. Groundwater.

I commend the city for exploring other options, to diversify water resources and yet challenge them to push even harder towards adopting groundwater not desalination. Consider the Gulf Coast Aquifer through the Evangeline Water Project and other groundwater resources that are cheaper, practical, and in my opinion as a geologist, the right choice. The city of Corpus Christi’s steadfast promotion of a baywater desalination plant is both economically and environmentally irresponsible.

Desalination projects in Florida and California have failed miserably to produce the projected quantities of potable water and instead the ratepayers are saddled with huge cost overruns of epic proportion. The Tampa Bay Seawater Desalination plant, touted by the city as a comparison to our bay, operates only during high water demand each year and is now seeking groundwater to subsidize their facility’s freshwater output since it cannot meet its water demands using its baywater. Poor economics have scarred this facility with multiple bankruptcies since it was constructed.

Closer to home, we need to look no further than the Brownsville’s 2.5 MGD (million gallons per day) desalination ship channel pilot program that cost $67 million and failed to meet its expectation. Major problems: turbidity (muddy water), suspended solids and temperature variations caused by passing ships. Sound familiar? It is not hard to predict that these exact problems would occur where the proposed desalination facilities would be located at Harbor Island, Inner Harbor and La Quinta ship channels.

Ultimately, residents would be faced with costs overruns that could be in the hundreds of millions of dollars for an unproven technology in a Corpus Christi-type bay system. The solution for residential water is simple and yet political powers promote “desal” to enable the unbridled industrial growth and the accompanying pollutants upon our fragile ecosystem.

Just down the coast our neighbors in the Rio Grande Valley (population 1.3 million in 2020), quickly learned after the failed desalination attempt, that their droughtproof future is in brackish groundwater. In 2021, the Rio Grande Valley produces approximately 21 MGD from brackish water (<3,000 ppm) desalination. The Gulf Coast Aquifer system extends from Louisiana to the Mexico U.S. border and contains a whopping 4.89 billion acre-feet of freshwater. Our Coastal Bend region (population 550,000 in 2021) is blessed to have ample, freshwater groundwater (<1,000 ppm) to sustain our current and future residential supply for hundreds of years. No desal needed!

Why is desalination bad? Reverse osmosis desalination is used to extract salt from seawater, (20,000-30,000ppm) producing freshwater and a concentrated saline discharge called brine, which has 1.3-2 times (~70,000ppm) more salt content. The freshwater produced will be for new, big industries and the toxic brine will be discharged into Corpus Christi Bay.

An article published in 2016 by Dr. Paul Montagna of the Harte Research Institute, reported that freshwater replacement – the time freshwater enters Corpus Christi Bay from Nueces Bay and travels to the Gulf of Mexico – is about 50 months! Our bay’s limited ability to have flushing and water exchange produces a net effect that salinities, already at a tipping point, would change our bay to a hypersaline environment causing the loss of biodiversity and degradation of the ecosystem.

Billions of sportfish larvae, zooplankton and other viable biomass would be killed instantly going through the massive intake piping. This sludge would be disposed of in large quantities by daily truckloads to landfills. Pre-treatment anti-fouling chemicals, air emissions, huge energy demand, are poorly understood factors that leads many to believe that the entire desalination campaign is a “sales job” to the public. To add hundreds of millions of gallons of concentrated, toxic brine to our bay each day is unconscionable.

The mistruths of baywater desalination as our savior for a droughtproof freshwater supply is simply wrong. Ask your children and grandchildren if they want quality, droughtproof groundwater or desal that will only destroy what we love – Corpus Christi Bay.

Patrick Nye is a geologist and board president of Ingleside on the Bay Coastal Watch Association.