Flooding of Kanhan still affects water supply in Asi Nagar, Satranjipura - The Live Nagpur

2022-09-17 04:48:45 By : Ms. May Xie

The water level of Kanhan River is still above 272 meter. The Dry wells of Kanhan Water Treatment Plant are still submerged  in sand and pumps are still inaccessible. As per reports from the Water Resources Department water level in Kanhan river may recede tomorrow . The situation may normalise tomorrow provided there is no or less rainfall.  

It may be mentioned here The incessant rain due to  withdrawal of South west Monsoon has resulted in opening of all the gates of Navegaon-Khairi Dam  and The additional water released has again caused heavy flooding in the Kanhan river and submergence of the intake wells of Kanhan Water treatment Plant(WTP). The timely intervention by the NMC –OCW water works officials to ensure that  the swimmers get trained as SCUBA divers is actually paying rich dividends as the strainers of the intake well on the left bank is continuously being cleaned and the lifting of the river water is done from Jackwell. 

However, in the right bank Dry wells  due to excessive river water current there has been total sand deposition  around and in the intake well resulting in literally seizure of the pumping unit. It is expected that as the river water subsides by Saturday evening , the resources will be deployed to clear the inaccessible Dry wells to resume the normal lifting of river water.

Meanwhile from Kanhan Water Treatment Plant (WTP) only partial pumping  (60%) with three pumps (instead of normal five pumps) will be done to the city. The NMC-OCW team is on work to restore the normal situation as early as possible.  This resulted in restricted,less or no water supply to the consumers residing in the areas fed from Kanhan feeder mains, particularly in the Ashi Nagar , Satranjipura , Lakadganj and Nehru Nagar Zone.of North and East Nagpur since last few days. The situation may normalise tomorrow provided there is no or less rainfall.   

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